There is a concrete procedure to collecting past-due assessments, and it begins with the management company working with the individual(s) to catch up. As can often be the case, this doesn't happen in a timely manner. That's where third-party organizations such as Excel Collection Agency step in to expertly resolve the matter.
Once a collection is referred to Excel, a demand letter is sent to the individual(s) informing them of the itemized amount owed and a specific deadline to satisfy the debt. Excel sticks with the individual and issue until completion.
Excel Collection Agency has specialized in Southern Californian management company collections for over 20 years. Our well-trained, experienced staff prides itself in handling assessents quickly and professionally. While a satisfactory resolution for clients is our top priority, we recognize that, in these challenging economic times, there's also a balanced need for care and understanding in process.
Our successful debt collection methods include:
Contact us today for a comprehensive list of our services.